Treat Yourself

... And I decided a while ago not to deny myself the simpler pleasures of existence. - Augustus Waters

I wonder what has broken inside you, that has ended your ability to let yourself be happy, to let others be happy.
You see only that which you want to see.
The deeds that only you know of, you don’t see the sweet bitterness of that which you don’t.
Deeds that are and when are done in small or regular amounts on a daily basis mean much more than those done aggressively in fewer doses. Those are the actions I speak of.
Mistakes are made. Again and again.
But it’s always fixable, always learnable.

And what if it that doesn’t feel enough you say?
Then, “let it be enough for one day…
It’s cliché but,
Live everyday like it’s your last, like you’re gonna die tomorrow. Just pretend like you’re only gonna have another day and then it’ll be over.”
And in the end there comes a point where it doesn’t matter what you think.
“Allah doesn’t look at how much you’ve done…
He looks at your intention.”
I’ll do enough so that I can tell Him I tried.
-Special thanks to ZeeD for inspiring this post, and a change.

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About Me

"And the blood in these veins isn't pumping any less than it ever has. And that's the hope I'll have..."